OS-CIT Computer Proficiency

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Parity of OS-CIT with International
Standards & Courses

Parity of OS-CIT with International Standards & Courses

About OS-CIT

Government of Odisha, under the Higher Education Department, and in collaboration with Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Limited (MKCL), formed a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) named Odisha Knowledge Corporation Limited (OKCL) with one of the important objectives being State-wide IT Literacy Mission to bridge the Digital Divide in rural and semi-urban areas of Odisha through OS-CIT IT literacy computer course. 

Accordingly, Odisha Government published a resolution for OS-CIT which inter-alia, ​states that “the Government has taken a policy decision to launch State-wide Mass IT Literacy Mission in the form of launch of the Odisha State – Certificate in Information Technology (“OS-CIT”) course with effect from 2012  and the Course OS-CIT is recognized by the Government of Odisha under its Department of Higher Education as a de-facto standard IT Literacy Course for attaining basic knowledge of application of Information Technology​”.

Furthermore another initiative by the Government of Odisha for spread of IT Literacy was, Odisha Gazette Notification by the Electronics & Information Technology Department, was issued in this regards, No.435/E&IT, 08.20.2021 which states, “Government have been pleased to declare the Odisha State Certificate in Information & Technology (OS-CIT) course of Odisha Knowledge Corporation Limited (OKCL) certifying basic computer proficiency for the purpose of eligibility in any recruitment conducted by State Government/PSUs/other Government or Semi-Government Agencies requiring qualification such as DCA/PGDCA from Universities/AICTE recognised Institutions/NIELIT ‘O’ Level.” 


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Bridging the Digital
Divide & Enhancing Employability

  • Tailor-made course for basic computer proficiency
  • Aims to improve employability and readiness for various job opportunities, including government
  • Focuses on IT awareness, literacy, functionality, and applicability
  • Addresses the digital divide and knowledge divide
  • Boosts self-confidence and social behavior
  • Interactive course with evidence-based multimedia content
  • Central monitoring of learner’s progression
  • Periodic updates to eLearning material to stay current with technology trends
  • Proficiency test & Certification by OSOU, Sambalpur.
12 pillars of the OS-CIT Course

12 pillars
of the OS-CIT Course

12 pillars of the OS-CIT Course to make youths computer proficient and workplace ready were underlined; the said categories are IT awareness, Smart Typing skills, Job-readiness skill, Cyber security skills and Netiquettes, Ergonomics & Go Green, and Scripting Skills, citizenship skills, study skills, and daily life skills.

OS-CIT Skills Set

Smart Typing Skills includes the English as well as hindi and odia language typing, ...

Applications Used

Citizenship Skills includes online application of Voter ID/ PAN Card / Aadhaar Card / Driving ... .

Applications Used

Scripting Skills includes literacy about various novice friendly programming languages.

Applications Used

Study Skills include the use of Google/Wikipedia to search information, learn to access Massive Open...

Applications Used

Ergonomics is the norms of using computer in a healthy way. It includes importance of ideal posture while using...

Applications Used

Go Green is Norms of eco-friendly use of computers which includes electric power saving techniques such as hibernate ...

Applications Used

Daily Life Skills includes how to create and operate an Email account, use Paytm/BHIM App for cashless transactions, ...

Applications Used

IT Awareness and job readiness parameter consists of the basic Computer Fundamentals, Windows ...

Applications Used

Daily Life Skills includes how to create and operate an Email account, use Paytm/BHIM App for cashless transactions, use of ...

Applications Used

Scripting Skills includes literacy about various novice friendly programming languages.

Applications Used

Netiquettes is the etiquettes for decent behavior in the Cyber ....

Applications Used

Scripting Skills includes literacy about various novice friendly programming languages.

Applications Used

Learners’ testimonials about OS-CIT

Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are beguiled and demoralized by the charms pleasure moment so blinded desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble.