Learning Options

OS-CIT is available in two modes. One is IT Awareness, which allow students to Master Job Readiness and Self Employability in Digital Space and the other one is Job Readiness, which allow students to Master digital skills in fast growing IT World. Let’s find out in details of both modes below. 

Particulars IT Awareness Job Readiness
Course Applicable for
  1. School Students
  2.  Teacher
  3. c.Government and Semi-Government Employees
  4. Homemakers
  5. Senior Citizen
  6. Or who wants to learn basic digital skills
  1. Either those looking for their first job or
  2. Preparing for competitive exams or
  3. Searching for a new
  4. opportunities/better job or
  5. Employees who want to increase  their productivity or
  6. Want to start freelancing
Learning Path In OS-CIT IT Awareness, there is Fixed Path content and then the assessment in the form of Challenges and Session End Test. In OS-CIT Job Readiness, there is Fixed Path content with Challenges followed by Self Path Learning with Challenges & Practical Questions.
Case Studies In OS-CIT IT Awareness, the Office case studies are provided keeping in mind the learner’s from Schools/Junior Colleges. In OS-CIT Job Readiness, the Office case studies focus on Job Readiness.
Assessment Levels In OS-CIT IT Awareness, the Questions (assessment) related to Office Skills are of low & medium difficulty levels. In OS-CIT Job Readiness, the questions (assessment) related to Office Skills are of medium & higher difficulty levels.

OS-CIT at Center

OS-CIT Learning – Learning will take place at ALC’s

OS-CIT Course Content – Classroom and Lab Content will be available at ALC

Internet – ALC’s Learning Facilitator will update the internal score through ALC’s Internet

Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are beguiled and demoralized by the charms pleasure moment so blinded desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble.